Posts Tagged perfect life

The Hidden Gift in Marriage?

You will have to forgive me if the tone of this post diverts from what you have come to expect here at Your Life Rules, but I am still floating on the cloud of what was not only the best day of my life, but the best 2 weeks of my life.

And as they drew to a close I realised that the experiences of those 14 days were an almost perfect example of each of the principles contained in Your Life Rules.  This isn’t a surprise, but it is very encouraging.

There is perhaps no other day that is given as much thought, planning and preparation as a wedding day, and despite trying to stay quite relaxed about it all, mine was no exception.

Every detail is carefully orchestrated from who will be there, what will be said, what will be eaten, and what time everything will happen.

This all seems perfectly natural when planning a wedding, and Wedding Planners have even been able to carve out entire careers dedicated to assisting the process of creating the perfect day.

But what about the rest of your life?  When the last crumbs of wedding cake have been munched, and the posh frock is boxed away in the loft, how can you go about making sure that the days, weeks, months and years that follow have a chance of delivering to you those same feelings of pleasure, satisfaction and joy?

Of course, every day cannot be planned out like the day of your marriage – that would just be exhausting (and very expensive!) but the principles behind creating and planning your special day CAN and should be duplicated into every day that makes up the 29,200 or so days that we get in life (assuming we are lucky enough to at least make it to 80).  And that’s not many days when you look at it like that, especially if, like me you’ve already used up 13,194 of them!

Those principles, can be summed up in two words: CHOICE & CREATION

A wedding day provides you with evidence, if you need it, that we all have the Power within ourselves to Create through making well thought out Choices based on a pre-determined Design.  Through these choices we create our perfect day.

And although things will always happen that weren’t in your plan…accidents and rain being just 2 of the many things that are beyond your control (!), because you still get to choose your reaction to these things, the fact that they happen doesn’t have to affect how you feel about what you have created.

Once you understand the power that this gives you over the rest of your life, it is actually quite awesome. You can make your life a series of choices and creations according to your own master plan.  Planning a wedding may be the first time that someone truly frees themselves to believe that they are ‘allowed’ and able and in fact, entitled to create a part of their future.  Harnessing this belief and making a decision to duplicate it into the rest of your life may be the best gift that you recieve on your wedding day.

Next Post: 2011 Acceptance Speech

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