Rule 4 – Educate Your Attitude

4. Educate Your Attitude

For some people, when formal schooling comes to an end, at whatever level that may be, that is the end of their education.

But to fully mature into the adult human that you are individually capable of being, your attitude will require ongoing and dedicated education and development of it’s own. This is because your attitude determines how you choose, consciously or subconsciously, to see the world and therefore affects everything that you do and your ability to follow Rule 3 – being responsible.

A commitment to an ongoing program of learning and self development is crucial to making sure you avoid that nagging feeling of dissatisfaction which plagues so many people.

A well educated attitude will enable you to do the things you need to do, whether you like them or not, in order to achieve things that may previously have seemed beyond your capabilities.

Your Attitude Education may come in many forms – books, CDs, DVDs, seminars and home study courses are all available for you to Educate your Attitude, having been produced in abundance by the many people who have already achieved whatever it is you aspire towards.  In many cases this information is available to you for FREE!  Your Life Rules is just one example of information that can be accessed for free on the internet and you will find many more if you make even the most cursory google search.

The information you find during your search and subsequent Attitude Education journey, if acted upon, can set you off on the right path towards the life of your choosing.

In essence you need to take responsibility for positively brainwashing yourself with information that will help you develop the habits and attitudes that will assist you in taking your life in the direction that will lead you to satisfaction.

. . . Everything can be taken from a man but one thing; the last of the human freedoms.  To choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

Victor E. Frankl (reflecting on how his well educated attitude got him through a Nazi Prisoner of war camp)

Rule 5 – Choose a Route and Take a Journey…

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