Spiritual Gravity – How to Overcome The Challenge of Life

The Human Experience seems to have been set up so that Life itself is a challenge.  A challenge to find peace, happiness and satisfaction.  A challenge to stay physically fit and healthy.  A challenge to define your own Rules and the greater challenge to have the discipline to live by them.

Natural pulls of thoughts, choices and decisions seem so often to tempt us towards self destruction.  Not necessarily obvious and immediate self destruction, but the slow creeping self destruction that Darren Hardy talks about in the Compound Effect.

This seems to be because the easy, pleasurable, instant gratification choices are so much more ‘doable’ requiring far less effort, energy or thought.

In comparison, success in any area of life presents a series of challenges which can only be overcome with the expenditure of much disciplined effort and energy.

This Natural Pull, or Spiritual Gravity which appears to be working against us is so tangible that I felt it needed a name: FACILIVITY (pronounced fah-sil-iv-ity) based on the Latin word ‘facilis‘ meaning easy.  If Gravity is the attractive force which pulls two physical objects towards each other based on their mass, Facilivity is the force which pulls our spirit towards making choices that will ultimately result in a negative outcome for us based on the amount of energy which is required in the moment of decision.

But this blog is about empowerment so what does all of this mean?

It means we must first recognise and acknowledge this natural pull and then take action against it!   We can do this by following  Rule 4 – Educate Your Attitude.  An educated attitude will give you the discipline required to make the right choices to achieve your goals.  It will empower you with the energy to consistently overcome facilivity in all it’s forms and it will assist you in building habits to conquer the  constant challenges that life throws at you.

To assist you in recognising the impact that facilivity may be having on you, take a look at this list and check which direction the decisions and choices you are making on a daily basis, are taking you in.  Every decision, no matter how big or small, whether made consciously or unconsciously, is taking you in either one direction or another.

If you don’t like what you find, the only change you need to make is to make a decision to do things differently and expend a little energy Educating Your Attitude.

This will give you the ability to make conscious choices that take you in the direction of the ‘Power’ side of the list, at least most of the time!  We all need a little lie in sometimes right? ; )

Now that you recognise facilivity, be conscious of when it is trying to pull you away from your goals and the life and achievements that you envision for yourself.

Just as gravity can be overcome by creating a force greater than that being exerted by the mass of a physical object (like the air pressure created under the wings of a plane to activate flight) so too can we overcome facilivity by exerting our will and discipline through conscious daily decisions.  You can overcome the Challenge of Life and activate your own flight to the destinations of your choice.

Next Post: Thinking – The Space Where Power Lies

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  1. #1 by Penny on February 3, 2011 - 4:24 pm

    I totally agree: You can overcome the Challenge of Life and activate your own flight to the destinations of your choice.

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